It is said that it’s a “spiritual war”, meaning “religious”, a “war between good and evil”. I think not!
It’s a transition from suspicion to trust; a journey through and beyond good and evil.
It’s a deliberate, self-chosen journey from shame and blame to Self-respect every step of the way to wholeness, beyond duality and self-bondage.
There are many dark allies to walk through, some of them utterly painful and horrifying. It’s only our trust, persistence and devotion to our inner compass that gets us through, not our beliefs of good and evil.Even the slightest light that gets through the cracks of our fears and weariness is enough to guide us on, fill us with strength and eliminate the darkness.
It's the way of the peacemaker through conflict. It's building roads where bridges fall. It's finding the cracks inside, which always exist to shine the light out. It's respecting the dark that helps us find our light with our sword of truth. And much more..
We end the war of duality, of blindness, within.