We’ve all probably seen or heard this somewhere, "it's a battle for our souls".
Perhaps some ARE in one or another battle or I should say, most are! Some are quietly working instead of battling, gathering valuable information walking their path, in the very interesting times that we are all traveling on.
As January is slowly coming to its end, it felt like a slow downhill slide on spikes most of the times. This always provides ample revelations and insights, which modern spiritualists can’t appreciate, since everything "down", negative, dark is usually left off the table.
The split has already happened, we are walking it! Even though we forseaw it, we had no idea what it would actually be like before experiencing it. And what it is revealing is extremely interesting and subversive to common beliefs.
It is a time for the strong at Heart, the humble and those who are committed to ''guarding Thermopylae'', especially those who have suffered to the very core of their being the savage storms that test their endurance.They are the ones who realize that fighting must be replaced with acceptance, devotion, discipline, to work tirelessly and peacefully inside, for all.
Only from the depths of darkness can we see the light, only from the core of our being can we reach the outskirts of the universe. It's a very different journey that we choose when we are ready to.