How does that statement change when you realize that consciousness is fundamental, not matter?
This world/reality is like a collective dream and we are the dreamers. And yet it’s not! Each of us remembers differently, remembers different portions and versions of it; our story-telling is personal. Who puts it altogether? Who makes one linear, solid version of it?
When you dare to look closer, there is no such things! There is no “A History” of humanity but multiple versions of it, each individually experienced, even when some aspects join as facts/events. Fascinating subject to explore!
Altered states of consciousness just means shifting from your ego’s perspective, in simple terms. Seeing your ego (that you learned to call “me”, “myself”) from the outside, detached from it and yet also participating through it. Not easy to do, admittedly, but when you do, everything you thought you knew changes. Life is much more exciting and new than we make it out to be in our normal conscious state.
While attached, the world remains obscured and weighs heavily on your shoulders in many ways and you can't shake it off. You bypass so much information on a daily basis, which you don’t even realize exists but is right in front of you. If you had it, if you included it, it would totally change your world view and you.
Detached you are free to explore other states, expand your consciousness, gain peace and harmony, be creative, fearless. It’s a different journey through life altogether than the common one we are conditioned to experience.
“Everyone must get out of school sometime and get a job.” Getting out of school and getting a “real job”, a “real life” was what we were coached for. But that’s very self-limiting coaching, still going on in institutions, in society. Many of us spend our whole life looking for our “real life”, striving, complying, stressing, holding on to our schooling, thinking that we left it behind us but has become our normal consciousness state, unconsciously.