It requires a lot of learning of the “how-to,” a lot of courage, and tons of support, compassion, and encouragement to do every step of your training journey.
Not everyone is willing or ready for such a commitment, nor should they be. When you realize that this is YOUR need and desire and stop expecting others to “follow in your footsteps,” do as you do, you stop trying to control them and start taking responsibility for your own insecurities, inner lack, false mind programs.
Because it takes just YOU! And becoming a sovereign, compassionate, whole individual, living from your Sacred Heart takes immense courage, persistence, endurance, and humility to remain devoted.
Then, you’ll usually start your day, every day, with a deep, existential question that arose in your reality, allowing your higher mind/Self to bring forth into your human consciousness - from your future self to your emotional body, in the present moment – all the information that you need to SEE the answers that you need. You begin to trust your own integrity.
Such answers are always creative, light-filled, practical, showing you your next step. You realize that The Way is a journey to become joyfully and wholly embodied within the present moment of your physical reality, not by trying to escape it.
As per our will, we are heading into a tough and challenging time, which will help each of us who are willing to surface both our strengths and weaknesses, our darkness and light, for our own and everyone else’s good.