As much as you press for something to happen before its time, it won’t. And sitting around waiting for it to happen (or hoping that it won’t) is the other side to the same coin.
Amongst all the insights, the revelations coming in on a daily basis, there comes a day when some just stand out, and I go online to share it. It's impossible to expand on everything, so the best way is to highlight some, keep them in nutshell-mode, and each individual can expand on them as they wish.
You can only see the whole/one/truth through the whol-ogram of the one; you.
Keeping things linear, separated and unconnected is getting harder and harder to manage because in reality they are all parts of a bigger whole.
You can never see truth outside of yourself. The only way to feel safe, confident, be healthy, content, is by unifying your self, becoming the same conscious being in everything that you do.
You don’t “make decisions”, you actually come to decisions already there for you to see.
When you’ve gathered ALL the information, all the pieces of a puzzle, then you can see the whole; the real picture. It’s the only way to come to a decision creatively, which means that YOU arrive to see it. The decision that will give you peace, trust, humility, devotion and the discipline to follow it through.
Nothing but your own mind keeps the veil over your eyes.
When you understand that the veil has been your choice of learning as well as your challenge to overcome, you begin to accept the responsibility of clearing your sight and understand that you’re not sick but ignorant. Healing comes through knowledge.
Reality is mostly unknown. Each moment you step into the unknown.
When you begin to understand this through experience, you start realizing that there is much more information available that you previously thought to be present.
A lot is changing, much faster that the general population
realizes, without it all being visible yet. Consciousness is fundamental and
change takes place at consciousness level first. More important than writing about it is living it, where my priority lies.