However, since this is an individual journey as much as it is a collective one, there isn’t one reality that fits all. And so, exploring various realities AFTER we become aware of our own, completely changes the scenery and adds more information to it.
Some are shutting down, withdrawing, as a "safe" place to be, a restful one. They are tired, they don’t know what to do. They fall back, curl up, give up. They get caught, simply floating by, carried along by the collective stream, which they think is easier to do.
As much as you’re screaming and kicking, they can’t wake up because they’re in a spell, like the fairy-tale, where sleep took over the land. If you’re one of the awakened ones, that hasn’t fallen under the spell, it’s YOUR challenge, not theirs.
The elixir that you need is found deep within your own heart; it’s care. It’s much easier to condemn them, isolate them, give up on them, if you believe that THEY are preventing your journey. But caring for those people in your life, in your environment, changes the conversation.
However, this elixir of real caring is to be found under all programs of separation, under the savior syndrome, the self-abusive sacrifice mode and much more that you’ve adopted as your own on your journey. You’ll need to break your heart over and over to find it; to reach the place of your superior being, where suffering, doubt, fear, don't exist. To crack your shell so you can rise and help them out of their trance.
They’re actually serving you. It’s much easier to “let them
go” but it’s really quitting on yourself. Each one that your heart excludes, is
your challenge.