“We are all one” means that we can feel each other’s pain, suffering and blockages constantly. We receive it all though us, even though the conscious mind blocks it, even though we’re pretending we’re not empaths.
It’s truly a fascinating scenery once you can see/feel space, energy, “atoms flowing around in the air”. I focus more on the negativity of the issue because that’s where our ignorance needs insights; that’s where we need to shed light.
In some mysterious way, we are especially connected energetically with those we are physically living and interacting with, those we are emotionally involved with (regardless of negative or positive emotions), whether we are aware of our emotions or not.
Our body is an electromagnetic field that constantly broadcasts and receives information in multiple ways, which we’re commonly unaware of through our senses, emotions, cognition, etc., exceeding our current popular awareness. As much as our human awareness thinks it is blocking all this information, it actually doesn’t have any control.
Whether you switch off verbal communication, emotional sharing, or not, you are still existing in a constant, co-creating field of information. Our current collective awareness still believes that space is empty and that our bodies are our boundaries to our self. In reality, we are constantly interacting with others, their field and the collective unified field, extending far beyond our visual perception, time and physical reality.
To tap into this field to find truth, takes courage, commitment and learning. Then we can understand and become telepathic, psychic and comfortable “in our skin”, in our personal life, and connect with one another with integrity.
If it were easy, it wouldn’t matter. If it were senseless, we wouldn’t hug, kiss, hold, nurture, seek love. Most people just want an easy way out of their suffering and that just hooks them even more to it. The victim mode has many faces but its only result is survival versus living.
It’s only when we find our innocence that we can see the real world.
People think that intimacy is about sleeping together. But true intimacy goes far beyond the physical.
True intimacy leads to joy.