Who are "the workers"? Imagine a pyramid; they make up the many at the bottom. They don't ask questions; they pay their taxes, do as they are told, adhere to the narrative, and serve the system they belong to.
Occasionally, one or a few of them raise their heads and ask a question, but they are likely to believe anything they hear and so return to doing their work.
Their world revolves around safety, fulfilling their desires, fitting in with the crowd, and avoiding standing out too much. They fear losing anything they're attached to. Anything that challenges their group's belief system, customs, or habits is considered wrong and dangerous without question or research.
They are the believers. They may switch from one belief system to another, be it religion, scientism, newageism, atheism, determinism or whatever else. Regardless of their choice, they depend on a belief system to guide them and tell them who to be and what to do. Convincing them that they don't need any external belief system is actually dangerous, and oftentimes self-serving.
They are the group from which we all originated, at one time or another. Remaining judgmental of this large group indicates a lack of one’s own knowledge and understanding. It's difficult to know the inner thoughts and emotions of these people as they often hide them behind a persona. Their inner conflicts and deeply-rooted beliefs simply remain invisible to them, as they go about their work, from event to event, from role to role. Understanding and showing compassion for their suffering is not easy, especially when met with their hostility.
Our personal time arises from within, despite the beliefs, nudges and suggestions of others. Nevertheless, way-showers, teachers, and guides always exist in our field of perception, whether we recognize them or not.
Every now and then, a worker phrases a question, starts to wonder beyond his usual frame of reference. It's a genuine question, one that will lead to more like it. These questions differ in quality from the common interrogative, inquisitional, superficial ones. Coming from the one heart of the universe, pulsating with immortal life, bearing purity, authenticity, and a long-forgotten sense of wonder, like a child's eyes.
When such a question is uttered, you as its witness, rejoice and meet the individual with respect, honor, and humility; on equal ground.
Waiting for that one profound question, which even the individual doesn't know until it's formed, is like waiting for manna to fall from the sky. Until it's uttered, you remain unseen, unheard, and uncomprehended. But you need to know this.
Know that you will inevitably face scorn, isolation, ridicule, opposition, and rejection. These experiences help you evolve, heighten your awareness, build strength, trust, humility, and love. Living life without a safety net is a learning process that surpasses any other accomplishment; its gifts are the tools you need to nurture and cultivate within yourself and your environment.
It’s a personal journey that You designed for your remembrance,
awakening, shared with EVERYONE involved. All your interactions, experiences
are mutual agreements that you once thought we random events thrust upon you
for “punishment”, “unworthiness” or to block your path – something that CANNOT
be done!