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Pausing our busyness

In 2023, it's not surprising (it should be) that we still witness wars, destruction, greed, depression, deception, injustice, incurable diseases etc., etc. 

Yet, we're constantly bombarded with advice to 'be happy,' 'follow our dreams,' 'find peace.' Have you ever wondered why we live in a culture where we're told to choose positive over negative, pleasure over pain etc., without questioning the rationality or sanity of it all?

I often wonder about things that most people are too busy to wonder about, deeming it a waste of time. I've come to realize that wondering is a risky occupation, even though I didn't quite comprehend how dangerous, until I experienced its horrific repercussions. No pain, no gain!

It hasn't stopped me. No one can stop us from doing who we truly are. Yes, I realize that the 'proper' phrase would be '...from being who we are.' One must break free from clichés to gain a deeper understanding of the world's inherent value.

I began to ask even more significant and challenging questions, finally also realizing why children are so feared (and abused) in this world, with their million questions, innocence, and courage. I noticed which questions threatened which people, why they perceived them as dangerous, and what in their mind was at stake by considering them seriously.

Words and concepts started coming alive even more than before, history was rewriting itself, science was turning into art, knowledge became fleeting and ever changing. Beliefs started losing their flare and dominance, emotions (all emotions) became benign yet essential indicators, senses heightened beyond the ordinary. Thoughts opened portals beyond the realm of illusions for those brave enough to explore them.

However, I've learned not to publicly unveil my musings, questions, revelations, findings. Not because I'm fearful, though that would be considered normal. 

People are yet to realize that what they seek cannot be found in the public eye, regardless of how inspiring or well-documented it may appear to be. Even small groups or gatherings have their limitations, ultimately leading to impenetrable walls that cannot plumb the depths of our being to find true answers.

The closer we get to home, the more vulnerable and tested we become. Our personal relationships and one-on-one conversations are the true arenas of our growth. It's where our inner and outer selves collide, reflect one another, and offer us the opportunity to awaken and genuinely connect, discovering the true essence of togetherness and unity.

This unique perspective and way of perceiving the world and ourselves will become increasingly apparent in the times to come.

What's on people's faces and in their words isn't always what’s in their hearts. Many still believe they can successfully conceal their pain, secrets, true thoughts, emotions, and real intentions, attempting to do so while continuing to suffer and remain in conflict with the world.

The real challenge, which may be new for many, lies in having the courage to pause our busyness and remember to wonder, to ask questions, to embark on profound one-on-one conversations with those we trust, and to engage in the soul-searching journeys within, together. 

It's within these deep interactions that we discover the keys to liberate our inner selves and find meaning and purpose in a world filled with turmoil and uncertainty.