November came rushing in, in full force, proving to be more difficult than October, and September before that. The last month of fall carries with it the seed of winter to come.
This difficulty, for those who understand that our experiences derive from within us, the challenge is met with acceptance, gratitude and the willingness to uncover more of what we don’t yet know or see. All is made possible only by our will!
It’s an inside job! However, the world stage is still set to blame, self-pity, vengeance; everything that steers us toward external and obscure solutions that usually backfire. Alternatively, it leads us to believe that we can objectively self-examine on our own.
The idea of personal introspection gained popularity in the 70s when all the self-help books flooded the bookshelves emphasizing individual growth. While it was a vital step in our evolving consciousness, this approach is now obsolete and deceiving, as scientific research and our knowledge expands. It is clear that independence is a notion of the past, given our interconnectedness with everything and everyone. This is a relatively “new” concept, understood and integrated by only a few into their daily lives.
Another intriguing facet of the challenges we face lies in our perception of time. Time is a highly personal experience, thus also understanding the concept of time. As times become more challenging, the significance of linear time (moment to moment, and event to event) becomes increasingly important. Making even the slightest, seemingly imperceptible change within the present moment, we reshape the future and the past,
We can never really “lose ourselves”. However, the journey of
remembrance and reclamation of our sovereignty from slavery is the essence of
enlightenment, which is a personal one for those who are willing to embark on it.