Our youth is actually a very important period in our lives, a preparation for our adult middle years when we'll make pivotal life choices. We shouldn't be conditioned, confined, or molded into mere replicas of everyone else.
We should be discovering our amazing nature and the nature around us. We should be aided to explore the world within us and outside of us. We should be learning how everything relates to everything else and encouraged to ask loads of questions until the answers reside in our hearts, becoming an integral part of our lives. Embracing the value of our emotions and understanding what they reveal about our thoughts, ideas, desires, memories, and fears is crucial. We should be free to recognize and nurture our talents and discover the purpose of our existence.
We shouldn’t be shamed, ridiculed, punished for who we are. We shouldn’t be compared, bullied, forced to follow false icons and incapable leaders, teachers, preachers. We shouldn’t be taught to compete, cheat and lie “to survive”. We shouldn’t be taught to feel guilty for who we are and for our choices, which we need to learn from.
We should be growing up in a community, taking part in things needed to get done; learning something new every day, learning to cooperate, become skillful with hands-on work, learnt to listen to our instincts, trust our intuition. We should be heard, valued and helped when we fall.
We shouldn’t find ourselves confined within caged buildings and walled classrooms that look like prison or army camps. We shouldn’t be memorizing useless information that is outdated and mostly propaganda, upon which our worth is judged. Our leisure time shouldn't be meticulously scheduled or consumed by virtual realities that we lose ourselves in while sitting on our couches.
The lack of true education and the undervaluing of youth is the
reason we have sick adults in a sick world.