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September is more like new year to me than January is. It’s a new season and a new cycle of death and rebirth, following natural patterns.

In modern civilization terms, it’s complicated!

This September seems like a roller-coaster, fierce downhill for many. We need to exercise understanding and compassion versus pity and judgement, which is not easy or common to do. Pity is a poor religious substitute based on ignorance, as is judgement.

We need to let go of trying to control life or others. We need to pay attention to details and make different choices. Our choices reveal our intentions. Where our interest is, attention goes.

We also need to open our intuitive side and get our intellect to just sit down and listen. You don’t think your way into your intuition. It’s mostly about letting go, cleansing your self of your belief structures, ego, fears and surrendering to your intuitive mind; consciousness.


These little posts will be more and more unfinished I think, incomplete. More like an ongoing reference, which probably isn’t very common.