The more complicated everything becomes, the simpler it is, but we haven’t been taught how to see it.
It’s not yet realized, but all this talk of self-acceptance, self-love, is actually doing more harm than good. So do affirmations, positive thinking, and the whole love & light spectrum. A lot of darkness, fear, and insecurity lie under it.
The more you try to stay positive, the harder it is to move forward. The same challenge arises when you dwell in negativity; the two are linked and attract each other.
We throw words around as if they are the real thing, as if we are them. We think that we can hide behind them. In truth, our energy field is visible every moment, to those who can see.
The difference between conceptual and non-conceptual thinking is something that we don’t yet understand as a civilization but are swiftly moving towards because consciousness HAS shifted, whether we realize it or not.
Conceptual is thought to be abstract, non-tangible, non-observable, non-practical, vague, non-physical. Because our dual, materialistic education and mindset are too attached to the material dreamworld, with all its prejudices, limitations, and conditioning.
Integration, moving beyond it, is no small task, nor is it meant for everyone. “We are all one” is another huge misconception, albeit an understandable one and where it comes from, what its purpose is.
With no prior knowledge of it in our physical, linear memory to lean on, at times it becomes overwhelming. Sometimes it's like looking for a pin in the dark when you need to remind yourself that YOU are the light, the love, and the life.
But it’s not the words! It’s not the statements, the projections, the memes, the declarations. It’s the implementation. And that takes courage, humility, integrity and the one element that many people overlook: learning.