It's like saying, "I WANT to do this but I HAVE TO do that". And "have to" sounds like "right" depending on the belief system that we choose for ourselves. Of course, it's not that simple!
If duty doesn't involve who and what you love is it really duty or is it fear, victimization, self-denial?
If love doesn't involve duty is it really love or or is it escapism, irresponsibility?
But what do we define as love, what do we define duty? Have we really mediated on such concepts practically, in real life situations?
In the end, the concepts define themselves, through how we choose to live our life. We might beLIEve we don't have a choice, but we always do! We live by our principles, even if in theory we think we beLIEve something else.Nothing truly valuable arises out of anything we do out of duty but not love. The minute the two are separated, we deprive ourselves and others of truth.