We will have to make many more conscious decisions than we are used to making; some tougher than others. Most of these decisions will be based on principles, values, rather than material gain, which makes them difficult and uncomfortable.
Healing psychological trauma is our main challenge at this point, which will in turn solve many of our doubts, dilemmas and fears. A road less traveled, for sure, but one that leads to conscious choices, authenticity and being able to reveal our true self versus our ego-structures.
We must remember that we are on a journey and so is everyone else, thus letting go of needs of accusation, prosecution, polarization, which arise from ignorance and victimhood.
It's hard to keep up with the fast changing pace of the world right now, but we do have the capacity to hold, discern and process information that is relevant, beneficial and creative to us, rather than overload our mind, body and heart with the projections that keep us hypnotized, sick and afraid.
The real conversations are not being held on public platforms, in theater rooms or some organization's voting tables. They are challenging, self-transforming, revealing but change the quality of energy, the level of perception, and open up possibilities for us, where non existed before.
The storms that are rising are meant to help us discern what's really important to us, what values and principles we want to express. It's an individual as well as a collective journey and we each have our unique perspective.